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What Are The Wheat Allergy Symptoms To Be Aware Of

People who suffer from a wheat allergy need to know what the wheat allergy symptoms to be aware of are as well as how to avoid them. A person who suffers from wheat allergies may experience chest pains, dizziness, vomiting or nausea, skin rash and bloating. Mood changes, arthritis, swelling of the tongue or the throat, eye irritation and coughing and a stuffy nose also are symptoms of a wheat allergy. The wheat allergy symptoms might also be a sign of some other medical condition. You should seek medical advice before self-diagnosing any of the symptoms you might have at the time.

With so many symptoms to watch for if you suffer from a wheat allergy, you might not even consider that you have an allergy. Arthritis seems to be a concern for allergy suffers. One might wonder how a wheat allergy can cause such a medical condition. It has been said that the wheat products cause changes in the gut structure, which in turn promotes arthritic development in people who are prone to the disease. There are many studies being conducted to find more relevant information on the affects of wheat allergies and arthritis to further address the problem.

What are the wheat allergy symptoms to be aware of that can cause more severe medical problems? The answer to this is the chest pains. Constant chest pains from a wheat allergy might be the wrong diagnosis as an allergy instead of a heart problem. This can be alarming and requires more of a professional diagnose. A doctor will more than likely order some tests to rule out heart conditions or allergies before advising you of a treatment. If you do have a wheat allergy that is causing the chest pains, you need to refrain from wheat and wheat by products to eliminate the pain.

Wheat allergy symptoms can be mild to severe depending on your tolerance level to wheat. Many people have a low tolerance for wheat while others suffer from severe symptoms from a wheat allergy. One must also remember that if you have a low tolerance to wheat products you cannot just stop consuming wheat products and then a few years later start eating wheat products again. You will no longer have a low tolerance level, you will have an allergy to wheat. This is something every person has to consider when dealing with the wheat allergy problem.

Don't know what you're allergic to? No problem learn more about allergies by visiting, a popular allergy site that provides advice, resources, tips and information on allergy eye drops, allergies in children, dog for people with allergies and allergy filters.
